Hydrating with Purpose


Water. The key to beautiful skin, luscious hair, natural energy, proper organ function, weight-loss, hydration, endurance, mental clarity.... shall I continue? Pretty much, water is an essential parWater. The key to beautiful skin, luscious hair, natural energy, proper organ function, weight-loss, hydration, endurance, mental clarity.... shall I continue? Pretty much, water is an essential part of our life and we don't give it enough credit. 

So why do we put it on the back burner? I know I do because it can get boring. Here's a little trick my girl, Nicole, introduced me to and likes to use everyday to spice things up. Try both the 'Beauty Water' and 'Body Water'! 

Beauty Water
Benefits: helps to clear/ smooth skin, boosts immunity, relieves indigestion, lowers blood pressure, curbs appetite

• Cucumber
• Lemon
• Fresh mint leaves
• Water

Body Water
Benefits: reduces inflammation, helps fight free radicals that can cause cancer in the body, great for regulating blood pressure, helps hypertension
• Pineapple
• Watermelon
• Water

Fill up your mason jar with water every night and add all the ingredients. Let it soak over night then wake up and chug-a-lug. 


For the Love of Coconuts