
21-Day Gut Reset

In this 21-day reset, you will take a deep dive into your gut health with food, supplements, and relaxation techniques.

The program has 4 phases. Phase 1 is a specific protein based liquid diet that will consist of a combination of different liquids throughout the day.

Phase 2 is two days of a modified Phase 1. You will consume one meal consisting of specific, approved, animal protein and organic anti-inflammatory fruits & veggies.

Gut Reset Testimonials

“During this cleanse, I undid a year’s worth of weight gain and poor habit forming. In these three weeks, I was able to form a new relationship with my food and developed an appreciation for shopping and preparing my own meals. Would highly recommend this program for any and everyone!”

-Mark B

“I decided to do the Gut Reset program because I have been having digestive issues and recurrent yeast infections. The program has been life changing!!! My energy has been restored, and stomach issues have begun to resolve. I have become much more mindful of what I am putting into my body and have never been an ingredient or label reader but this program has taught me the importance of reading ingredients and labels for overall health not only for me, but for my spouse and kids as well. I look at food in the sense of what benefits does it have for my body rather just mindlessly eating and it makes me feel so much better. This program was challenging in the beginning but doable and I felt very accomplished after completing it! I highly recommend it for anyone who is needing to reset their body.”


"I had been suffering from chronic stomach pain for years due to underlying conditions, and as for the past few months it had gotten even worse…my brain was always foggy, I was always exhausted and would sleep hours on end. It got to the point where I could barely eat anything without being extremely uncomfortable each and every time I ate. I had even resorted to eating much less food than my body needed just so that I wouldn’t experience the pain. 

I expressed to Megan my gut issues and she recommended I try the gut reset program, and I can honestly say I have NEVER felt better. I followed the plan to a T and have cut my discomfort by 95%. It was such a miracle. It was easy to follow and surprisingly not that hard to cut out all of the usual crap that I would usually have resorted to (especially if feeling stressed or mindlessly eating)

The gut reset has inspired me so much so that I’ve decided to change my entire diet entirely, similar to the one in this plan. It’s been one month since the reset ended and I can think clearly, have so much energy all the time sleep so soundly. I would recommend this diet to absolutely everyone even if you are not suffering from any kind of digestive issues. Thank you so so much Megan!!!”


“It may be called a gut reset but I thinks more of an over all life reset. Increased mood, increased presence and intentionality with my wife and kids, better sleep, increased libido, lost weight, increased muscle mass, more muscle and cardiovascular stamina when doing workouts/jiu jitsu, better sleep quality, and more focus at work. Changing your diet touches all areas of your life and you don’t even realize it. Your diet builds some of the most foundational building blocks of an overall healthy lifestyle and I love it. I am very grateful to Megan and her knowledge. She was readily available to answer questions and always happy to assist. I think every single person out there, no matter where you are in your health journey should consider this program. I plan to continue to eat with many of these same parameters but will do the reset every January. Thanks Megan!!”

- Travis Chesterfield

“I loved the 21 day reset that Megan created. There was incredible peace of mind for me knowing that I was doing something so good for my body. I felt great on the reset and will continue to eating a clean diet for my overall health.”

- Emily C