7 Fats That Make You Skinny


Are you dieting, exercising, and trying every skinny tea on the market but still can't shed the extra belly fat? Have no fear, healthy fats are here.

We have been brain washed into thinking "low-fat" diets are the best way to lose weight, however, science, yes science, and everyone in the health and wellness industry say otherwise. We are seeing healthy fats pop up on every menu and on every food blogger's Instagram newsfeed. Avocados are everywhere you look, nuts are the new "cheese" (because we put cheese on literally everything, right?), and coconut oil has taken over for the illustrious butter in baked goods and fried foods.

Here's the big fat secret...not all calories are created equal. Different foods affect how your body responds. So a 1,000 calorie piece of chocolate cake is going to hit your ass in a way that a 1,000 calorie avocado and brussels sprout medley won't. 

I'm super into these scientific findings, and now trends, for so many reasons. First off, using healthy fats as a substitute for non-healthy fats has helped me heal my body and boost my brain function. Second, I am lactose intolerant so being able to enjoy the creamy goodness of healthy fats keeps me from craving bad fats. Lastly, these fats have helped me stay thin and build muscle.

 I want to point out some of the BASICS behind the mentality of eating fat to make you skinny, so hopefully it can help you jump on board too... Especially if you are trying to lose weight. 

How Fat Makes You Skinny:

  1. Healthy fats keep your insulin steady. This allows your body to burn off the fat that you eat, along with the extra fat stored in your body. 

  2. Increasing your fat intake will train your body to use fat as an energy source. When carbohydrates and sugar are reduced, your body is forced to use fat for energy. 

  3. Monounsaturated and oleic fatty acids found in healthy fats like avocado, nuts, and olive oil reduce lower belly fat.

  4. Omega-3's can increase fat burning enzymes that affect your metabolism.

  5. Eatings fats set off the release of cholecystokinin and the gut hormone peptide YY, which are the hormones that control appetite and satiety. In short, you stay full for longer!

My 7 Favorite Healthy Fats:

1. Avocado

  • I shouldn't have to go too much into this green goddess. I put it in salads, eggs, every smoothie I ever make, and even chocolate pudding!

2. MCT Oil

  • MCT oil can stimulate fat burning, thyroid function and energy production, and improve body composition. I like to put it in my smoothies and blend it into my bone broth.

3. Nuts & Seeds

  • Nuts contain polyunsaturated fat, which helps to reduce fat storage. Walnuts are my favorite because I love their texture AND they have more omega-3s than any other nut out there. Fun fact: they are great for your brain too!

  • Nut butters are the bee's knees. I eat nut butter literally every day.

  • A great seed to try is the saucha incha seed... try these! You're welcome.

4. Fish & Fish Oils

  • Ditch the tilapia and opt in for salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, or shrimp!

5. Organic Eggs

  • Eggs are high in protein and their egg yolk is full of healthy fats. Don't skip the yolk! If you don't tolerate eggs well, try duck eggs!

6. CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid)

  • You can find CLA in grass-fed beef, grass-fed ghee, or in supplement form. I used the pill version of this when I was training for my bikini competition that I decided I didn't want to compete in because I was too into wine...

7. Dark Chocolate 

Comment below with your favorite good fatty foods!


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