Fat Burning, Full Body HIIT Workout

Heels or Tennies… Can anyone else relate? I find myself in a constant battle between having a social life and getting my butt in the gym. There are days where the decision is easier than others but on days like Wine Down Wednesday when your girls want to meet up for happy hour after a terribly long day at work, how do you say no? I don’t… I also don’t say no to fitness.


What I like to do is a little something called IMPROWISE my workout. Instead of sticking to my planned workout for the day, I do a quick workout in my apartment (20 minutes). Then, I throw my hair up in a bun – rinse off- throw my clothes back on- and show up 30 minutes late to happy hour (which would have happened regardless).

Here is the workout:

  • 10 burpies

  • 20 push-ups

  • 30 sit-ups

  • 40 air squats

  • 50 second plank

Perform this circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes. If you can push yourself to your max, this will torch fat like a lighter on hair (it's the best analogy I could come up with...).  

Honestly, you can make this work out super hard or just a quick energy lifter. Make it your own! If you have a similar routine or any good HIIT tips, please comment!


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