Breaking Down Backbends


Back-bends have always been the death of me. Back in the day when I was a gymnast, I could barely touch my forehead with my toes, while all the other girls could touch their chin. I have always told myself that back-bends are irrelevant so there is no need to stress. Ten years later, back-bends are indeed, extremely relevant in my yoga practice and every day life. Literally, EVERY. DAY. You're either bored already or are wondering why they are such a big deal to me. Read on...

Just to be clear, I am not the biggest fan of back-bends. They scare the hell out of me, and challenge my ego to the nth degree. However, as a yoga practitioner and instructor, it's important to recognize what is good and bad for the body. And guess what? Back-bends are extremely good for your body, mind, and digestive system.... Awesome. 

The Benefits of Bending Back:

  • Builds strength in your legs, arms, back

  • Opens the chest and shoulders-- where we hold tension

  • Alleviates chronic neck and back pain

  • Increases mobility-- our spines are flexible due to elastic ligaments; So move that bad boy so it stays nice and flexible

  • Keeps the body youthful

  • Improves posture

  • Opens the heart and mind to new ideas and possibilities

  • Releases stored-up emotions

  • Relieves stress and anxiety

  • Help aid the digestive system and relieve constipation ( you're welcome)

  • Improves breath

Now that you are just as excited as I am to work on your backbends, lets talk about 3 different ways you can incorporate some back-bends in your everyday life as a yogi or non-yogi. 

  1. Bridge pose -- Improves digestion; stimulates the lungs, thyroid glands, and abdominal organs; helps with stress and depression

  2. Locust pose-- Relieves lower back pain; Improves digestion; Improves concentration; Increases flexibility in the back; Helps deal with fatigue

  3. Camel pose-- Helps with lower back pain; alleviates menstrual cramps; helps with constipation; improves respiration; reduces fat on thighs

Work different poses each day if you truly want to improve your back flexibility and overall back strength. 

I'm committed to making back bends my betch, so I can stay mobile, open-minded, and regular until the day I die. Who's with me?! 


The Skinny on Eggs


A Yoga Teacher’s Yoga Journey